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Mary's Patronages - Part 1


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From the Sunday Times

Mary's lifesaving award resuscitated



PRINCESS Mary is to return to one of her first Australian loves -- the beach and surf lifesaving.

The Danish princess, who patrolled Tasmania's Clifton beach as a teenager, will be invited to attend next year's Australian surf titles in Perth after agreeing to become the first international ambassador for the volunteer movement.

The deal was done during a secret meeting with surf officials in Sydney last year during which the princess was given a bronze medallion -- 13 years after she had earned it.

Official records reveal she was awarded bronze medal T-3143 in January, 1993, when she completed rescue, swim and various first-aid procedures, including resuscitation.

Clifton club members recall the then Mary Donaldson patrolling beaches for two summers as a teenager during the early 1990s.

"She joined with her friend, who was a water polo player," said Clifton SLSC president Simon Kay. "There was also a link there with Taroona High School, we had a lot of members come through from Taroona."

The Clifton club is the southern-most surf lifesaving club in Australia and has a polar bear as its emblem.

It hosted national surf lifesaving titles in 1969, 1976 and 1983.

The princess, who was also her school's swimming team captain, faced challenging conditions in patrol days.

"We only have a short season -- four months," Mr Kay said. "Some days, you're sitting in the rain alone in 12C. The next weekend it will be 35C and there's a real influx of people."

Surf Life Saving Australia president Ron Rankin said Princess Mary had fond memories of the surf patrols when he spoke to her during the Sydney meeting.

He said she jumped at the opportunity to become the first international ambassador for the movement during 2007 Year of the Surf Lifesaver.

"At the meeting she was very positive about the role of surf lifesaving, very complimentary and understanding of how unique it was for our country," Mr Rankin said.

"She's great to talk to. She's a gorgeous young woman."

Princess Mary has been invited to attend the movement's 100-year celebration dinner to be held in Sydney on October 18 next year.

The friend who is a water polo player was her former boyfriend Brent Annells link
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An article from www.kongelig.tv2.dk:

Kronprinsesse Mary mod mobning

09-08-06: 11:21

Kronprinsesse Mary tager del i Red Barnets nye indsatsområde: Bekæmpelsen af mobning. Mary er med i en styre­gruppe, der udvikler pilotprojekter til flere kommuner.

Sidste år gav kronprinsparret Red Bar­net en kvart mio. kr. til bekæmpelsen af mobning.

Mary er international protektor for The Alannah and Madeline Foundation, der bekæmper mobning og vold mod børn i Australien. Inspireret heraf har Red Barnets generalsekretær Mimi Jakobsen været på studiebesøg i Australien.

(link:Kronprinsesse Mary mod mobning)

And in translation:

Crown Princess Mary Against Bullying

09-08-06: 11:21

Crown Princess Mary participates in the new effort area of Save the Children's Danish branch: The fight against collective bullying. Mary has a seat on a board which develops pilot projects for several municipalities.

Last year, The Crown Prince Couple gave Save the Children 250000 kroner (Lasse Pedersen: app. 33.000 €) for the fight against bullying.

Mary is the international patron of The Alannah and Madeline Foundation which fights against collective bullying and violence against children in Australia. Inspired hereby, the Secretary General of the Danish Save the Children, Mimi Jakobsen, has visited Australia on an educational visit.

/Lasse Pedersen

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TV2 article

Crown Princess Mary Against Bullying

09-08-06: 11:21

Crown Princess Mary participates in the new effort area of Save the Children's Danish branch: The fight against collective bullying. Mary has a seat on a board which develops pilot projects for several municipalities.

Last year, The Crown Prince Couple gave Save the Children 250000 kroner (Lasse Pedersen: app. 33.000 €) for the fight against bullying.

Mary is the international patron of The Alannah and Madeline Foundation which fights against collective bullying and violence against children in Australia. Inspired hereby, the Secretary General of the Danish Save the Children, Mimi Jakobsen, has visited Australia on an educational visit.

Dear Lasse

Thanks for posting and translating this article.

The Crown Prince couple certainly have a focus on children's welfare within several of their patronages.

Mary will also open the Nordic Child Protection Conference on 24 August.

I have merged the two topics discussing Crown Princess Mary's patronages.



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bonsai first alerted us to this last year here. :@:

Is on Mary's Honorary Memberships page here.

Some info about what it is:





Carter Center - Health Programs

PDF file on Carter Center/World Mental Health activities in 2002

Nothing on Denmark in the pdf doc because pre-Mary.

World Federation for Mental Health Rosalynn Carter the founding chair.

Women Leaders Put Mental Health on World Agenda/Carter Centre press release (from 1997 - just gives an orientation from time of foundation)

It is not updated, wonder if there are things in the works?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Crown Princess Mary was appointed the Patroness of the Danish Refugee Council in May 2005


17-05-2005 10:58

Hendes Kongelige Højhed Kronprinsesse Mary har påtaget sig hvervet som protektor for Dansk Flygtningehjælps arbejde med at sikre flygtninge en fremtid i verdens brændpunkter.

Hendes Kongelige Højhed Kronprinsesse Mary har påtaget sig hvervet som protektor for Dansk Flygtningehjælps arbejde med at sikre flygtninge en fremtid i verdens brændpunkter.

”Kronprinsesse Marys engagement er en uvurderlig styrkelse af Dansk Flygtningehjælps muligheder for at hjælpe de mange millioner flygtninge, der er blevet tvunget til at forlade deres hjem og begive sig ud i uvisheden,” siger Dansk Flygtningehjælps formand Knud Larsen.

Hovedparten af Dansk Flygtningehjælps arbejde foregår i verdens brændpunkter. Dansk Flygtningehjælp har projekter i 20 lande i Afrika, Asien og Europa. Flygtningehjælpen arbejder uafhængigt af internationale moderorganisationer, og er en af Danmarks største internationale hjælpeorganisationer.

Flygtningehjælpen er med hele vejen fra etablering af hjælpeprojekterne, til udbringning af nødhjælp, genopbygning og minerydning – med det mål bedst og hurtigst muligt at sikre en genetablering af en hverdag for flygtningene.

Dansk Flygtningehjælp arbejder i Danmark for at styrke integrationen af flygtninge blandt andet gennem sprogundervisning, jobformidling og et stort frivilligt netværk landet over.

”Dansk Flygtningehjælp har i 50 år været en markant og synlig organisation, der talte flygtningenes sag herhjemme og ude i verden. Det er et stort skulderklap til vores arbejde, at vi nu har fået mulighed for at knytte et medlem af kongehuset permanent til Flygtningehjælpen,” siger Knud Larsen.

Dansk Flygtningehjælp har tidligere haft HKH Dronning Margrethe som protektor for sine landsindsamlinger


Translation done by Valdemar with much thanks. :@:


HRH Crown Princess Mary becomes protector of the Danish Refugee Council

Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary has undertaken the job as protector of the work by the danish refugee council of securing a future for refugees in the hotspots of the world.

Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary has undertaken the job as protector of the work by the danish refugee council in securing a future for refugees in the hotspots of the world.

"Crown Princess Marys involvement is an invaluable strengthening of the possibilities of the Danish Refugee Council for helping the millions of refugees that has been forced to leave their home and venture into uncertainty," the chairman of the Danish Refugee Council Knud Larsen says.

The main part of the work by the Danish Refugee Council takes place in the hotspots of the world. The Danish Refugee Council has projects in 20 countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. The Refugee Council works independantly of international mother organisations, and is one of Denmarks largest international helping organisations.

The Refugee Council takes part all the way from establishment of the helping projects, to delivery of emergency supplies, rebuilding to clearing mines - with the purpose of a quick reestablishment of everyday life for the refugees.

The Dainish Refugee Council works in Denmark to strengthen the integration of refugees through teaching language, job finding and a large nation-wide voluntary network.

"For 50 years the Danish Refugee Council has been a marked and visible organisation, which spoke for the refugees at home and abroad. That we now have been given the option to attach a member of the royal house to the Refugee Council permanently is a big pad on our back," Knud Larsen says.

The Danish Refugee Council has previously had HRH Queen Margrethe as protector of its nation wide fundraisers.



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  • 2 weeks later...

From the Sunday Times

Mary's lifesaving award resuscitated



PRINCESS Mary is to return to one of her first Australian loves -- the beach and surf lifesaving.

The Danish princess, who patrolled Tasmania's Clifton beach as a teenager, will be invited to attend next year's Australian surf titles in Perth after agreeing to become the first international ambassador for the volunteer movement.

The deal was done during a secret meeting with surf officials in Sydney last year during which the princess was given a bronze medallion -- 13 years after she had earned it.

Official records reveal she was awarded bronze medal T-3143 in January, 1993, when she completed rescue, swim and various first-aid procedures, including resuscitation.

Clifton club members recall the then Mary Donaldson patrolling beaches for two summers as a teenager during the early 1990s.

"She joined with her friend, who was a water polo player," said Clifton SLSC president Simon Kay. "There was also a link there with Taroona High School, we had a lot of members come through from Taroona."

The Clifton club is the southern-most surf lifesaving club in Australia and has a polar bear as its emblem.

It hosted national surf lifesaving titles in 1969, 1976 and 1983.

The princess, who was also her school's swimming team captain, faced challenging conditions in patrol days.

"We only have a short season -- four months," Mr Kay said. "Some days, you're sitting in the rain alone in 12C. The next weekend it will be 35C and there's a real influx of people."

Surf Life Saving Australia president Ron Rankin said Princess Mary had fond memories of the surf patrols when he spoke to her during the Sydney meeting.

He said she jumped at the opportunity to become the first international ambassador for the movement during 2007 Year of the Surf Lifesaver.

"At the meeting she was very positive about the role of surf lifesaving, very complimentary and understanding of how unique it was for our country," Mr Rankin said.

"She's great to talk to. She's a gorgeous young woman."

Princess Mary has been invited to attend the movement's 100-year celebration dinner to be held in Sydney on October 18 next year.

According to this article CPs Mary, Prince Philip, Rolf Harris have been invited to the London launch for Between The Flags on June 7th 2007.





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I am posting this here as I am despairing about where else to put it... I was looking at the WHO thread and I am sure that there is something missing... but then again I could be wrong. It was around the time of the wedding (either just before or just after) and Mary attended a meeting, I thought it was for the WHO but perhaps I am wrong. I remember at the time that it was not part of her calendar and there were only a few photos as she got out of the car. She was wearing a brown coloured suit and a great cream coloured shirt that had ruffles on the front. I have been looking for it everywhere and I can't even find the original thread about it.... can anyone help straighten me out??? <:>

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Hi PinkyPenguin

Is this the event you are thinking of?


credit onlylucky

It is from 6 June 2005 when the Crown Princess paid a private visit to Danish Industry in Industriens Hus, Copenhagen.

"Mary had a differentiated introduction to the work of DI with special focus on the work with globalisation and euro-political work, of most importance to DI."

Here's a LINK to the thread.

Actually, even if this is not it, I'd really like more information about Mary's relationship with Danish Industries. There are recurring events connected to it, such as the Wood Industry Prize, but it is not listed amongst Mary's patronages. Can anyone help?

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, Riki! :@:

Crown Princess Mary's 20. patronage Dansk Svømmeunion / The Danish Swimming Federation (Sport)

was published on the danish version of the Crown Prince Couple's site some time in week 40 : 2. - 8. october 2006.

One of the five areas of the organisation work on has an article in english: Surf Life Guarding Denmark

Information in english

This site is intended to inform the general public about surf life guarding, general life saving, and to guide applicants for the Danish surf life guard service through the procces of application.

Kystlivredning Danmark (Surf Life Guarding Denmark) is a public web-site for the Tryg paa Stranden (Safe at the Beach) non-profit co-operation between the Tryg Foundation and the Danish Swimming Federation.

Tryg paa Stranden is focusing on general safety at the 5.000 km beach line in Denmark, by the means of the deployment of motorised Lifeguard Patrols, the red – and white streaked lifeguard towers on the Danish beaches, plus posters, folders, etc.

We have a growing international co-operation with other life guarding and life saving institutions through the International Life Saving Federation, ILS.

If you have any comments or questions, you are most welcome to contact General Manager Erik Bech at eb@svoem.dk for further information.

Later in october this 20. patronage was added to the english version of F&M's website : The Danish Swimming Federation

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  • 3 weeks later...

The website was updated, there is following information now:

Dansk Svømmeunion

Dansk Svømmeunion blev stiftet tilbage i 1907. Til at begynde med bestod organisationen af blot tre københavnske klubber og et medlemstal på cirka 300. I dag, knap 100 år senere, er medlemstallet på 126.000 fordelt på 204 svømmeklubber.

Unionens formål er blandt andet at skabe optimale rammer for en vandidræt, hvor der er plads til at lege, at svømme og at vinde. Samtidig er det et vigtigt mål, at alle skal kunne færdes med glæde og sikkerhed i og ved vand. Badesikkerheden ved bassin og åbent vand ligger os således meget på sinde.


In English:

The Danish Swimming Federation

The Danish Swimming Federation was founded in 1907. To begin with the organization consisted of only three clubs within the Copenhagen area and had around 300 members.

Today, just 100 years later the number of members totals more than 126,000 and consists of 204 clubs from all over Denmark.

The Danish Swimming Federation’s purpose is, among other things, to create an optimum framework for water sports with opportunities to play as well as to swim and win. At the same time the important goal of water safety should be kept in mind, so that everyone can have a safe and pleasant access to the water both in a swimming pool complex and at the open sea.


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  • 9 months later...

B.T. and Jyllands Posten both have articles from Ritzau today about Mary being involved in setting up an exchange visit for Surf Lifesavers, in connection with the Danish Swimming Union's 100th jubilee.



Next week the lifeguards at Rørvig Beach will have reinforcement from two experienced Australian Surf Lifesavers. During this summer there has been a special focus on the role of lifeguards on the Danish coasts. The two Australians will exchange knowledge and skills with the Danish lifeguards, in both Rørvig and the North Sea areas. Earlier in the year two Danish lifeguards visited Australia to study the conditions there. It was Crown Princess Mary who arranged the exchange, as patron of the Danish Swimming Union and as International Ambassador for the Surf Lifesaving Association.

The origin of this news was DR Sjælland.

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  • 1 month later...

Mary protektor for HjerneSagen


Obviously another patronage regarding brain damage.


Edit: They have her on their site already.


2nd edit: Information from CP Couple's official website

The Danish Stroke Association

The Danish Stroke Association is an association for persons struck by cerebral thrombosis or brain haemorrhage – apoplexy – and their relatives. Being struck by apoplexy is a strain for the person himself and for his family. Life changes in a second – and subsequently many persons have to live a life with serious consequences such as hemiplegia, speaking and language problems, memory problems, distinct tiredness etc. The Danish Stroke Association works actively for preventing apoplexy and to ensure the best treatment and rehabilitation possible for the person as well as supporting him and his family.

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  • 1 month later...
Riki said:

Found a new patronage of Mary at the official website, don't know when it was added.

Mødrehjælpen / Mothers Help

I believe this is one of Alexandra's former patronages which she gave up in February.


That is so lovely :smilie_flagge14:

The Mothers Help are doing a brilliant work for the mothers. I have been collecting money for them and they really need the money - especially at christmas.

Yes, it was one of Alexandras former patronages, but it is sooooo good that it is now one of CPss Marys, because of the publicity they will get :smilie_flagge14:

LINK: Mødrehjælpen - their own site, sorry only in danish

Edit 14:39: Link is now working with an "r", thanks cph :)

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Benedikte, an "r" is missing in your link :)


- Som mor ved jeg, hvor meget det betyder, at man kan give sine børn kærlighed og hygge og gode rammer. Jeg håber, at jeg som protektor for Mødrehjælpen kan bidrage til, at de mødre og familier, der har brug for hjælp, får den støtte, der skal til, for at give deres børn den bedst mulige start i livet, udtaler H.K.H. Kronprinsessen.


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According to the Danish Crown Prince couple website

Mothers Help

Mothers Help is a private, humanitarian organisation. Mothers Help offers every year counselling, financial, social and educational support to more than 5.000 single parents, pregnant women and families with children so that they can ensure that their children have a better childhood and adolescence. Mothers Help also works for a legislation that improves the conditions for these families.


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  • 4 months later...

Film festival for children, is it?

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