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Schedule for Business Delegation to Toronto

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Søndag den 3. marts


Åbning af ”Greenland Delegation Programme”
Kl. 9.00

Kronprinsen deltager i åbningen af ”Greenland Delegation Programme” på danske konsulat i Toronto, hvor Hans Kongelige Højhed modtages af generalkonsul Niels Tanderup Kristensen. Ved åbningen bliver den samlede delegation budt velkommen til Toronto og til PDAC og overværer et seminar med talere fra den canadiske mineindustri. Kronprinsen holder tale i forbindelse med åbningen. 


Kl. 12.00

Kronprinsen deltager i en frokost med den grønlandske regering som vært.

Åbning af den dansk-grønlandske stand på PDAC messen

Kl. 14.00
Kronprinsen deltager i åbningen af den dansk-grønlandske stand på PDAC messen, hvor messens deltagere kan møde eksperter fra de grønlandske myndigheder. I forbindelse med åbningen møder Hans Kongelige Højhed repræsentanter fra den grønlandske regering og deltager i en rundvisning ved standen. Her introduceres Kronprinsen til virksomhedsrepræsentanter af Grønlands minister for råstoffer og arbejdsmarked Erik Jensen.  


Møde med Lieutenant Governor
Kl. 15.30

Kronprinsen deltager i møde med Lieutenant Governor, H.M. Dronning Elizabeth af Storbritanniens repræsentant i provinsen Ontario, Elizabeth Dowdeswell.


Middag for den dansk-grønlandske delegation
Kl. 19.00

Kronprinsen deltager i en velkomstmiddag for den dansk-grønlandske delegation.


Mandag den 4. marts


Åbning af Greenland Day
Kl. 9.00

Kronprinsen deltager i åbningen af Greenland Day, som er et arrangement organiseret af den grønlandske regering i forbindelse med PDAC messen. Formålet med Greenland Day er blandt andet at fremme Grønland som minedestination og give deltagerne indblik i Grønlands råstofpotentiale og projekter. Ved åbningen holder Hans Konglige Højhed tale. 


Åbning af ”Open Architecture Exhibition”
Kl. 10.30

Kronprinsen deltager i åbningen af udstillingen "Open Architecture Exhibition", der præsenterer innovative løsninger for bymæssig udvikling og arkitektur langs vandkanten. Udstillingen er lavet i samarbejde med arkitektfirmaet 3XN og to lokale ejendomsudviklingsselskaber, Hines og Tridel. I forbindelse med åbningen deltager Hans Kongelige Højhed i en rundvisning. 


Kl. 12.00

Kronprinsen deltager i "Architecture and Developers" frokost. 


Åbning af arkitekturseminar
Kl. 14.00

Kronprinsen deltager i åbningen af seminaret "SAMARBEJDE:PARTNERSHIP Denmark & Canada’s path to Innovative Cities" i Design Exchange. Formålet med seminaret er at skabe en dybere forståelse for, hvordan danske arkitektvirksomheder i partnerskab med virksomheder i Toronto kan imødekomme de udfordringer, som byen står over for. Ved ankomsten modtages Kronprinsen af generalkonsulen og formand for Design Exchanges bestyrelse Christopher Wein. Kronprinsen holder en velkomsttale ved åbningen.


”Denmark/Greenland in Canada"-reception
Kl. 18.00

Kronprinsen deltager i receptionen "Denmark/Greenland in Canada".

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Sunday, 3 March


Opening of “Greenland Delegation Programme”
09.00/09:00 am

The Crown Prince participates in the opening of the “Greenland Delegation Programme” at the Royal Danish Consulate in Toronto, where His Royal Highness

is received by the consul general Niels Tanderup Kristensen. At the opening, the unified delegation is welcomed to Torontoand to PDAC and attends a seminar

with speakers from the Canadian mining industry. The Crown Prince delivers a speech in connection with the opening. 


12.00 noon

The Crown Prince participates in a luncheon hosted by the Greenlandic government.


Opening of the Danish-Greenlandic Trade Booth at the PDAC trade fair
14.00/2:00 pm

The Crown Prince takes part in the opening of the Danish-Greenlandic Trade Booth at the PDAC trade fair, where His Royal Highness is introduced to

Danish and Greenlandic companies and participates in a tour.


Meeting with Lieutenant Governor
15.30/3:30 pm

The Crown Prince takes part in a meeting with H.M. Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain’s representative in the province of Ontario,

Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Dowdeswell.


Delegation Welcome Dinner
19.00/7:00 pm

The Crown Prince participates in a welcoming dinner for the Danish-Greenlandic delegation.



Monday, 4 March


Opening of "Greenland Day"
09.00/09:00 am

The Crown Prince takes part in the opening of “Greenland Day”, which focuses on Greenland’s extraordinary geological and mineral potential.

His Royal Highness gives a speech at the opening. 


Opening of “Open Architecture Exhibition”
10.30/10:30 am

The Crown Prince participates in the opening of the "Open Architecture Exhibition", which presents innovative solutions for urban development and

architecture. The exhibition was put together in cooperation with the architectural firm 3XN and two local property development companies, Hines

and Tridel. In connection with the opening, His Royal Highness takes part in a tour. 


12.00 noon

The Crown Prince participates in an “Architecture and Developers” luncheon. 


Opening of architecture seminar
14.00/2:00 pm

The Crown Prince takes part in the opening of the conference “SAMARBEJDE:PARTNERSHIP  Denmark & Canada’s path to Innovative Cities” at

Design Exchange, a museum. The objective of the conference is to create a deeper understanding of how Danish architectural firms, in partnership

with companies in Toronto, can meet the challenges the city faces. Upon arrival, The Crown Prince is received by the consul general and the chairman of

Design Exchange’s board, Christopher Wein. The Crown Prince gives a welcoming speech at the opening.


“Denmark/Greenland in Canada" reception
18.00/6:00 pm

The Crown Prince participates in the reception “Denmark/Greenland in Canada” and meet with Greenlandic companies.


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