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Queen Margrethe's New Year's addresses

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Foto: Ulla Voigt

QMII will make her new years speech at 6pm 31 dec 2006

The speech will be shown directly in both tv-channels , DR and TV2 .

The speech will be publsihed later in extenso at www.kongehust.dk and on the www.dr.dk .

Here is some info aboput how to find in the links to the speecH


there will be posted a ink to the direct TV at this page: http://www.dr.dk/nyheder/

and the clips will later be published at this page: http://dr.dk/tv/

For the first tim, the speech will be translate to sign language for the hearing challenged

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The internet bookmaker firm NordicBet based in England has made it possible for the first time to bet on Queen Margrethe's New Year's speech.

see this link: http://www.betxpert.com/bookmakere/bookienews.asp?id=1066

Here is short list of bets fo words in the speech:

the safe ones:

Greenland - odds 1.01

Faroe Islands - odds 1.01

The Prince - odds 1.25

The CP couple - odds 1.35

Kronprins Frederik - odds 1.40

Kronprinsesse Mary - odds 1.40

the daring ones:

Red wine - odds 40.00

Stop Smoking - odds 50.00

IOC - odds 50.00

Dachshound - odds 75.00

Cookbook - odds 75.00

Portrait Photographer - odds 100.00

Poker - odds 150.00

Christiania - odds 150.00

Snoop Dogg - odds 200.00

Sambaschool - odds 200.00


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QMII's 2006 New Year speech has been posted on the DRF's official website :rolleyes:

She mentioned Prince Christian! Could someone translate what she said about him?

Hendes Majestæt Dronningens nytårstale 2006


Ved et årsskifte er det almindeligt at se både frem og tilbage. Blev det forgangne år sådan, som vi forventede, eller formede det sig ganske anderledes? Kunne vi lægge det gamle års begivenheder bag os, eller viste det sig, at de forplantede sig ind i det nye, at de blot var en optakt til nye begivenheder? For sådan er det selvfølgelig: Ethvert år bærer i sig både en begyndelse og en fortsættelse. Intet brud er totalt, intet nyt er uden rødder.

Det år, der nu er gået, blev på mange måder ganske usædvanligt for vort land.

Vi i Danmark er stolte af vort land og af, hvad danskere i nutid og fortid har bedrevet, selvom vi gerne forsøger at lægge lidt ironisk afstand til vores selvbegejstring. Vi er slet ikke kede af at gøre os bemærket som nation og modtager med glæde ros og opmærksomhed, og vi er ikke uvant med at blive holdt frem som et godt eksempel; men pludselig at blive genstand for ophidselse og vrede er ikke noget, vi er vant til, endsige forventer.

Ethvert land, ethvert folk er præget af sin kultur og sin historie. Det præg bærer ethvert menneske med sig, hvad enten han eller hun forbliver hjemme eller rejser ud i verden, måske for at slå sig ned et helt nyt sted. Dér, på det nye sted, måske i en helt anden verdensdel, vil den tilrejsende møde et nyt land og et andet samfund, betinget af netop det lands beliggenhed og historie, dets kultur og dets skikke. Også det land og den befolkning, som modtager de tilrejste, vil få helt nye oplevelser at forholde sig til. Det har vi her i Danmark også måttet erfare. For vel har vi altid vidst, at verden er stor, men det er, når den træder indenfor hos os selv, at vi må indse, hvor mangfoldig den er, og hvor anderledes skikke og livsformer kan være.

At slå sig ned på et nyt sted er krævende; det fordrer, at man gør sig store anstrengelser for at lære det nye at kende, for at tilegne sig sproget og leve sig ind i årets rytme og dagligdagens gang. Der bliver sat nye rammer for ens tilværelse, og det vil også vise sig, at der er vaner og skikke, man må forandre eller endog lægge helt fra sig. Ingen bør forvente, at den, der kommer til et nyt sted, et fremmed land, straks skal kaste alt sit arvede gods over bord, som om det var overflødigt. Det ville let føre til, at man blev rodløs for alvor. Skal et træ plantes om, må det have et godt rodnet fra starten, så vil det også kunne suge næring til sig på sit nye sted og vokse og trives.

Her i Danmark vil vi helst, at alt kan forløbe gnidningsfrit, at problemerne, hvis de melder sig, skal løse sig af sig selv; for vi synes jo, at det, som falder os naturligt, også må være det for alle andre. Så enkelt er det bare ikke. Vi begynder at indse, at vi selv må forstå og gøre os umage for at forklare, hvad det er for nogle værdier, vort samfund bygger på, sådan at de, der endnu ikke har slået dybe rødder i Danmark, kan finde plads og finde sig til rette inden for det samfund, hvis medborgere de er blevet. Det forgangne år har nok lært os et og andet, ikke mindst om os selv. Vi véd nu bedre, hvad vi står for, hvor vi hverken vil eller kan give køb.

Hvert år, når det bliver nytårsaften, går vore tanker på langfart til dem, der må være hjemmefra på denne aften. Sidder de ganske alene, eller er de mon blandt venner som gerne vil høre, hvordan vi plejer at gøre i Danmark; eller er de sammen med landsmænd i festligt lag, men dog under helt fremmede himmelstrøg?

Her i aften skal der lyde en varm hilsen til alle danske, hvor i verden de end er: til de danske syd for grænsen såvel som til dem, der er rejst ud for at slå sig ned i det fremmede for kortere eller længere tid. En særlig hilsen skal gå til dem, der må fejre nytår til søs. Her gælder mine tanker ikke mindst alle ombord i ”Vædderen” med Galathea-ekspeditionen; de er med til at bære en frisk hilsen fra Danmark rundt i hele verden.

I aften må vi også tænke på de mange, som i offentlig tjeneste eller med en af nødhjælpsorganisationerne arbejder fjernt fra Danmark. Det er både vanskelige og farlige opgaver, de har påtaget sig, enten de er af humanitær eller militær karakter. Der står respekt om deres indsats, som de udfører uforknyt og dygtigt, fuldt bevidst om det ansvar, der påhviler dem. Jeg sender dem hver især mine ønsker om et godt nytår. At det kan være med risiko for liv og helbred, véd vi alle, og det gør et dybt indtryk på os, når vi må sande, at nogen har betalt den højeste pris. I aften går mine tanker til hver og én, der har mistet sin mand, sin fader, en søn eller broder eller en nær ven.

I et år som dette, hvor Prinsgemalen og jeg ikke har været helt så meget rundt i det danske rige som i andre år, er mine tanker ofte gået til Færøerne og Grønland – disse fjerne egne, der dog står mig og min familie så nær. Jeg sender mine gode nytårsønsker til det færøske og til det grønlandske samfund og til hvert enkelt hjem.

Min nytårshilsen går også til de mange, der i de senere år er kommet langvejs fra og har slået sig ned her, men som fortsat oplever Danmark som et fremmed land. Måtte det nye år gøre dem mere fortrolige med livet i Danmark og hjælpe dem, de ældre såvel som den opvoksende generation, til at finde sig til rette i det danske samfund.

Når vi ønsker godt nytår er det gammel skik også at sige tak for det gamle år, og vi i min familie har meget at sige tak for. Atter i år har min familie og jeg mødt en varm medleven i al vor færden både ved store begivenheder og i vor hverdag. Jeg tænker her ikke mindst på Prins Christians barnedåb for snart et år siden, og på den sympati, som jeg personlig har mødt i forbindelse med mit, stort set, udmærkede helbred.

Når vi står på tærsklen til det nye år, vil vi alle gerne, at alt det gode, alt det, der lykkedes i det gamle år, må vare ved og bære frugt, mens vi lægger alt det mindre gode bag os. Vi skal ikke slå en streg henover det eller lade som om, intet er hændt, men bruge det som en erfaring, der måske gør os klogere og bedre rustede til at møde livets tilskikkelser.

Så vil jeg da på årets sidste aften til hver og én udover det ganske land sende min varme nytårshilsen med en tak for det år, der er gået, og med ønsket om, at 2007 må blive et godt år for vort land og for hver enkelt af os. Sammen med Prinsgemalen ønsker jeg alle et godt nytår.


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Translation of the first part:

Her Majesty the Queens New Year's Speech 2006

At the change of a year it is common to look both forward and backwards. Did the old year turn out as we expected, or did it turn out completely differently? Are we able to put the events of the past year behind us, or was they only the start of events which would reach into the new year? Coz it's just like that. Every year has the root of the next year born into it. No break is total, nothing is new without roots.

They year which went past, was in many ways a unusual year for our country.

We, in Denmark are proud of our country and of what the Danes, from the past as well as the now, has achieved, even if we try to put a tad ironic distance to our conceit. We are not at all unhappy to be noted as a nation and we aren't unused to be exposed as a good example; but suddenly to be the object of agitation and anger isn't somthing we are used to, nor expect.

Any country, any people is marked by their culture and history. This stamp is marked on every man or woman whether they stay at home or travel abroad, perhaps to make roots in another place. Thére, in the other place, perhaps in another continent, the traveller will meet a new country and another type of society, conditinied by this country's georgaphy and history, it's cultutre and habits. This country which reives the travellor will get a new experiences too, to which it must take a position. Thís we hav had to experience. Coz we have always known that the world was big, but it is when the wotld appear on your doorstep, that you have to realize how varied it is. and how different habits and ways of lives can be.

To settle in a new place is demanding; it demands that one does one's best to learn new things, to learn the language and be informed about the rythm of the year and what happens in daily life. A new framework for one's life is set up, and it will turn out, that there are habits and mores you have to change or totally drop. Nobody expects a person, who arrive in a new place, a foreign country, immediatly will thorw off everything of her/his cultural heritage, as it was superfluous. That could easly lead to serious rootlesness. If a tree has to be planted in new place, it has to have good roots from the start, then it would be able to take nourishment from the earth from the start in the new place, and grow and thrive.

Here in Denmark we prefer that everything has to run smoothly, and that problems, if they arrive, be solved by themselves; 'coz we think, that what feels naturally for us, must be so for everyone else. But it isn't that simple. We must realize that we have to make an effort on our own and endavour to explain, what kind of values on which our society is built, in such way that those who hasn't yet fixed their roots in the Danish soil, will find their place and be able to fit well into the society, which citizens they have become. The past year has learnt us something, not at least about ourselves. Now we know better where we stand, and of what kind of values we neither will or can bargain.

Each New Year's Eve, our thoughts go to those who are travelling far from home at this evening. Are they sitting all alone, or are they together with friends, who want to hear about how things are done in Denmark; or are they gathered with fwellow countrymen in festive circumstances, but under a foreign sky, though?

Here tonight. let there be a warm greeting to all Danes, wherever they are in the World: to those south of the (German/Danish) border, as well as to those, who have travelled abroad and put theor roots in foreign earth for a shorter or a longer period. A special greeting for those who have to spend New Year at the sea. Not at least my thoughts go to all on borad in the "Ram" in connection with the Galathea-expedition; they are one of those who brings a fresh greeting from Danmark abroad.

Edited by pogo99
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Når vi ønsker godt nytår er det gammel skik også at sige tak for det gamle år, og vi i min familie har meget at sige tak for. Atter i år har min familie og jeg mødt en varm medleven i al vor færden både ved store begivenheder og i vor hverdag. Jeg tænker her ikke mindst på Prins Christians barnedåb for snart et år siden, og på den sympati, som jeg personlig har mødt i forbindelse med mit, stort set, udmærkede helbred.

When we wish a happy New Year it's old costum also to say thanks for the old year, and we in my family have a lot to say thank you for. This year too, my family and I have been met with a warm interest in our doings, both at major events and in our day to day lives. Here I think not least on the christening of Prince Christian almost a year ago, and on the sympathy I personally have met in connection with my, generally, excellent health.

EDIT: Oh, here it is. I couldn't find my post.

Anyway, I will not translate more from the speech as Pogo99 does that admirably :@:

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From Denmark dk

2 January 2007

A traditional end to an 'unusual' year

The Queen's new year's address looked back at an unusually eventful 2006 for Denmark

A tradition since 1972, Queen Margrethe II's new year's address is as much a part of the New Year's Eve celebration as the countdown to midnight. Typically touching on the issues that affect all Danes, this year's speech was an internationally flavoured affair, welcoming those here from foreign lands as well as Danes away from home to the coming 2007.

In the queen's own words, 2006 was 'fairly unusual' for Denmark, as it received a great deal of the world's attention - some of which was not necessarily desired. Without mentioning the Mohammed cartoon affair, she said that for a country which prides itself on being shown forth as a good example to the rest of the world, to suddenly become the 'object of incitement and anger' was a stark change for Denmark.



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  • 11 months later...

When she was suppose to say 2007 in the begining, she said 2006 :(

I am sure she did not notised it at all. Otherwise she would surely have corrected herself.

But it was kind of funny :P

It was a lot of fun :D We sure noticed it and referred to it all night!

We also laughed a lot about the commentators on DR after the speech - the guy who found an interesting link to the discussed bridge to the opera (I sure didn't think of any link like that myself :blink:) and then Emilia van Hauen referring to something as a "win-win situation" :D

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We also laughed a lot about the commentators on DR after the speech - the guy who found an interesting link to the discussed bridge to the opera (I sure didn't think of any link like that myself :blink:) and then Emilia van Hauen referring to something as a "win-win situation" :D

I surely do not think the queen ment to comment on the Oprah house :) That was a bit to... interesting a link for me.

But it was a very good speach and I think she touched a lot of the things that has been going on i 2007.

I could see a referance to Ungdomshus when she said " We want it all, but we do not wish to pay for it".

I think she was commenting on a general feeling that we as nation want it all. But it made me think the attitude among the young people at Ungdomshuset.

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In the Q&A in Billed Bladet #2, 2008 there is a question from Lise Lotte Larsen from Copenhagen, who would like to know why Queen Margrethe always ends her New Year speeches with the words: "God save Denmark. And as it isn't her proverb, what is her proverb?

Poul Jørgensen replies:

He guess she says it simply because she means it. (She is a devout christian). Her father, Frederik IX, and grandfather, Christian X, also ended their New Year address this way. So it's become tradition.

Queen Margrethe's proverb is: "Guds hjælp, folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke = (With) the aid of God, the love of the people, Denmark's strenght".

Frederik IX's proverb: "Med Gud for Danmark - With God for Denmark".

Frederik XII proverb was: "Folkets kærlighed, min styrke - The love of the people, my strenght". The present constitution was written during his reign. In 1849. Which ended the period of absolutism.

And while we are at the Q&A's:

Cornelia Vestergaard ask why Queen Margrethe is titled Queen of Denmark on the DRF webpage.

(The reply here is based on the reply by Poul Jørgensen).

Queen of Denmark is indeed incorrect, it is simply a title that has been in daily use for so long that it has become accepted. Someone in the line to the throne is always to Denmark. In the same way someone is heir to say, a manor.

All members of the DRF who are not direct descendants of Christian X cannot be in line to the throne.

- That however is not 100 % correct. If the unimaginable thing should happen that all descendants of Christian X should die. Then the parliament can appoint and approve any elligeble Danish citizen adhering to the Lutheran faith as regent.

That was actually the case before the introduction of absolutism in the latter half of the 1600's. One of the first thing a newly crowned king had to do was to travel around the various parts of the kingdom and be acknowledged (hyldet) by the local free men. He had to travel anyway as there was no formal capital before then, even though Copenhagen had become the de facto capital by the 1500's. The king was the capital and the government and the high court travelled with him.

Before the introduction of absolutism any free man could in theory be crowned as king of Denmark. In reality the king always came from within various branches of the same extended family.

That meant that when the king got his first son, he would as soon as possible ensure that the son would be acknowledged as the heir to the throne.

If these laws were still valid, that would mean that when Frederik become king, he would be crowned and anointed at a religious ceremony. Hold a procession. Then he would travel around to the various parts of the country with Mary by his side in order to be acknowleged as legitimate king with Mary as queen. He would also have to travel to Greenland and the Faroe Islands.

Once back, he would ensure that Christian would be acknowleged as his legitimate heir.

Nowadays Frederik will become king the second Queen Margrethe is declared dead and the government informed of that. Thus ensuring that the country is never without a regent.

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