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About royalfamily

  • Birthday 05/14/1979

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    Norwegian heirs.

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royalfamily's Achievements

  1. A closer look on the Ingrid 's rings.
  2. The Norwegian article about this and with the cover magazine: https://www.tv2.no/underholdning/angivelig-elskerinne-avviser-affaere-med-kronprinsen/16201300/
  3. The video with the reporter explaining what happened hour by hour in that day of the photos:
  4. https://informalia.eleconomista.es/casas-reales/noticias/11955274/09/22/La-Reina-Margarita-de-Dinamarca-positivo-en-Covid-tras-asistir-al-funeral-de-Isabel-II-en-Londres.html Alert in European royalty for the positive in Covid of Margaret of Denmark after attending the funeral of Elizabeth II
  5. The kings of Norway will be present at this event on the 2 days celebrations.
  6. The man from Alicante whom Mary from Denmark has chosen to paint her for her 50th birthday https://www.vanitatis.elconfidencial.com/casas-reales/2022-02-01/jesus-herrera-alicantino-mary-dinamarca-pintor_3367480/
  7. https://www.expressen.se/kvallsposten/drottningens-arliga-svar-hade-inte-tid-for-barnen/ The Queen's honest answer: "Did not have time for the children"
  8. More photos: https://www.legion-media.ru/event/en/1/7614256.143042
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