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  1. Yes, Greenland sounds very interesting
  2. https://www.forsvaret.dk/da/nyheder/2024/flagdag-for-danmarks-udsendte/ with a video from Christiansborg
  3. 11. October 2024, 1:00 pm The Regent Couple attends Holsterbro City 750th anniversary, Hosterbro. https://www.holstebro750.dk/
  4. 19. September 2024, 2:55 pm HM The King attends Copenhagen Boys Choir, The Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir's, 100th anniversary. Copenhagen City Hall. https://sag.dk/sang-og-musik/koebenhavns-drengekor/
  5. 19. September 2024, 10:00 am HM The King receives new ambassadors from Iceland, Bulgaria, China, Burkina Faso and Estonia in audience. Christian VII Palace, Amalienborg.
  6. 19. september 2024 H.M. Kongen modtager ambassadører fra Island, Bulgarien, Kina, Burkina Faso og Estland i tiltrædelsesaudiens. Christian VII's Palæ, Amalienborg, kl. 10.00. H.M. Kongen deltager i fejring af Københavns Drengekors 100-års jubilæum. Københavns Rådhus, Rådhuspladsen 1, København, kl. 14.55. 11. oktober 2024 Kongeparret deltager i Holstebros 750-års jubilæum. Holstebro, kl. 13.00.
  7. Princess Benedikte DRF Instagram
  8. https://www.billedbladet.dk/kongelige/danmark/se-alle-billederne-fra-den-bevaegende-dag-kongeparret-deltager-i-flagdag-danmarks 140 photos
  9. https://app.tt.se/bild/q=kong dronning 5 september 2024 https://www.billedbladet.dk/video/hovsa-her-kom-dronning-mary-paa-afveje/69Zum0HG
  10. https://www.forsvaret.dk/da/side/flagdag/#MenuID1 12.00 -13.00 Commemoration at the Monument for Denmark's international efforts after 1948, The Citadel 14.15 - 15.15. Holmen's Church 15.45 – 16.30 Parade Christiansborg Palace courtyard. https://www.forsvaret.dk/en/side/danish-national-flag-day/ The purpose of National Flag Day is to recognize and honour the people who are or have been deployed to a mission abroad, whether based on a parliamentary, governmental, or a ministerial decision. It pertains to the Danish Armed Forces, the Danish Emergency Management Agency, the Danish Police, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Danish Health Service.
  11. 5. September 2024, 12:00 pm The Regent Couple attends events in connection with National Flag Day for Danish deployed. The Citadel, Holmen's Church and Christiansborg Palace.
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