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  1. Maybe on top of something else, longer!
  2. Oh Isabella does have a resemblance to Mary's mom, especially her mouth and cheeks!
  3. After this avalanche of photo shoots ... How many have there been? It's nice to see a relaxed Mary coming out of the palace, in beautiful but comfy clothes and to see her natural face with just a small touch of make up. Very sweet of her.
  4. I'm so curious about this incredible brooch. Where does it come from?
  5. By now I've become so used to plans being made and cancelled, both in public as in my own life, that I'm no longer even surprised! There will still be a private celebration, which I think is all that matters to Mary. Thank god we still have that gorgeous book to look forward to!
  6. Thanks! I remember this time so well! Seems like only yesterday and yet... it's nearly 20 years ago. Time is something funny :-)
  7. I hope so, I feel nauseous every time I see a picture of it.
  8. Yes, you can get confirmed any time, even in a regular church service. Positive side, maybe teenager Christian will be more at ease with things being a bit more private. Though I'm sure Court will share footage and photos.
  9. Strange times... On the other hand I think Mary must be enjoying these past corona times as well (at least I hope so). Combined with the months in Switzerland this makes for a longer "slower" time without her usual very busy agenda, without the many trips abroad. More time for the family, more time for her horses, more time to be in nature.
  10. Any idea who the beautiful blond girl is who's with them? I guess a friend of Isabella's?
  11. I hope it's "just" a mild case for Christian, and no infection for the others!
  12. Does look like someone she was meeting up with to me. Just curious, how is this possible in DK: no face mask, restaurant/bar open for socializing, standing close to each other... Where I live we're still in lock down, I'm certainly not able to do whatever lucky Mary is doing in these photos. So what's the situation in DK right now?
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