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  1. Princess Margrethe skiing in Norway 1956 - Old press release sold at an auction site
  2. Crown Princess Margrethe and her sister Princess Anne-marie in a cosy talk with their daddy King Frederiks IX - 1957
  3. Queen Margrethe will not celebrate her 71 anniverssary at Amalienbrg this year, but at her summer residence Marselisborg Castle in Aarhus. The reason is, that this year the her birthday is falling in the Easter week and she always spend the Easter at Marselisborg. There will be limited access to the Marselisborg Park for the public at noon, where she will greet her people from one of the windows in the castle. Link to topic about Marselisborg
  4. http://www.bt.dk/article/20080528/royalt/80528003/ QMII paintings on postcards Queen Margrethe has allowed four of her paintings to be printed as front of postcards sold in the supermarket chain 'Netto', for DKk 25. The net result from the sellings will go to support the Danish Royal Guard's 350 anniversary this month. There are printed 70,000 bundles of cards (4 in each) You can see the motifs in the link above, there is one motif from each Royal Palace, which are traditionally guarded by the Royal Guards: Amalienborg, Fredensborg, Graasten and Marselisborg
  5. HI all Thanks for the information, pictures , articles and videolinks :@: :@: :@:
  6. HM Queen Margrethe was present at St. Maria Church in Sonderborg during a ceremony, where a messehagel/chasuble* of her design was inagurated. The Queen has designed a number of such chasubles over the years. The chasuble was exhibited at Sonderborg Castle after the ceremony at a special exhibition. Article with a picture: http://www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/artikel/2...el-taget-i-brug Additonal articles and pictures: http://www.flensborg-avis.de/index.php?c=v2185025.339 http://www.jv.dk/artikel/363716 Pictures: http://www.jv.dk/artikel/363716?image=1&articleid=363716 Photos: Nicolas Egedorf * A chasuble is a kind of festive toga/poncho used by the priest on special occasions
  7. HRH Crown Prince Frederik will take over the patronage of the Blood Donors from his Father HRH Prince Henrik, who took over from Frederik's Grandmother Queen Ingrid, at her death in 2001. http://jp.dk/indland/article1145784.ece
  8. Translation of the first part: Her Majesty the Queens New Year's Speech 2006 At the change of a year it is common to look both forward and backwards. Did the old year turn out as we expected, or did it turn out completely differently? Are we able to put the events of the past year behind us, or was they only the start of events which would reach into the new year? Coz it's just like that. Every year has the root of the next year born into it. No break is total, nothing is new without roots. They year which went past, was in many ways a unusual year for our country. We, in Denmark are proud of our country and of what the Danes, from the past as well as the now, has achieved, even if we try to put a tad ironic distance to our conceit. We are not at all unhappy to be noted as a nation and we aren't unused to be exposed as a good example; but suddenly to be the object of agitation and anger isn't somthing we are used to, nor expect. Any country, any people is marked by their culture and history. This stamp is marked on every man or woman whether they stay at home or travel abroad, perhaps to make roots in another place. Thére, in the other place, perhaps in another continent, the traveller will meet a new country and another type of society, conditinied by this country's georgaphy and history, it's cultutre and habits. This country which reives the travellor will get a new experiences too, to which it must take a position. Thís we hav had to experience. Coz we have always known that the world was big, but it is when the wotld appear on your doorstep, that you have to realize how varied it is. and how different habits and ways of lives can be. To settle in a new place is demanding; it demands that one does one's best to learn new things, to learn the language and be informed about the rythm of the year and what happens in daily life. A new framework for one's life is set up, and it will turn out, that there are habits and mores you have to change or totally drop. Nobody expects a person, who arrive in a new place, a foreign country, immediatly will thorw off everything of her/his cultural heritage, as it was superfluous. That could easly lead to serious rootlesness. If a tree has to be planted in new place, it has to have good roots from the start, then it would be able to take nourishment from the earth from the start in the new place, and grow and thrive. Here in Denmark we prefer that everything has to run smoothly, and that problems, if they arrive, be solved by themselves; 'coz we think, that what feels naturally for us, must be so for everyone else. But it isn't that simple. We must realize that we have to make an effort on our own and endavour to explain, what kind of values on which our society is built, in such way that those who hasn't yet fixed their roots in the Danish soil, will find their place and be able to fit well into the society, which citizens they have become. The past year has learnt us something, not at least about ourselves. Now we know better where we stand, and of what kind of values we neither will or can bargain. Each New Year's Eve, our thoughts go to those who are travelling far from home at this evening. Are they sitting all alone, or are they together with friends, who want to hear about how things are done in Denmark; or are they gathered with fwellow countrymen in festive circumstances, but under a foreign sky, though? Here tonight. let there be a warm greeting to all Danes, wherever they are in the World: to those south of the (German/Danish) border, as well as to those, who have travelled abroad and put theor roots in foreign earth for a shorter or a longer period. A special greeting for those who have to spend New Year at the sea. Not at least my thoughts go to all on borad in the "Ram" in connection with the Galathea-expedition; they are one of those who brings a fresh greeting from Danmark abroad.
  9. The internet bookmaker firm NordicBet based in England has made it possible for the first time to bet on Queen Margrethe's New Year's speech. see this link: http://www.betxpert.com/bookmakere/bookienews.asp?id=1066 Here is short list of bets fo words in the speech: the safe ones: the daring ones:
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