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The CPC at Danish flag Dannebrog's 800th anniversary


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15. juni 2019

D.K.H. Kronprinsen og Kronprinsessen deltager i markering af 800-året for Dannebrogs fald.

Danmarks Borgcenter, Slotsruinen 1, Vordingborg, kl. 16.00.


15. June 2019, 4:00 pm

TRH The Crown Prince and Crown Princess attend the marking of the 800th anniversary of the Danish Flag Dannebrog's falling from the sky.

The Danish Castle Centre, Vordingborg

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The background for the celebration of the 800th anniversary of Dannebrog in the royal town of Taiping is that it was there  that King Valdemar resided in Vordingborg Castle.

Legend has it that the Danish flag fell from the sky during the Battle of Lyndanisse in Estonia June 15, 1219, where Valdemar fought against Estonians.

With Dannebrog as war flag Valdemar beat the Estonians, and then the northern part of Estonia was a duchy under the Danish crown until Valdemar IV sold the holding in 1346th"





Queen Margrethe will be present for the celebrations in Tallinn, Estonia, and Prince Joachim and Princess Marie in Copenhagen.

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