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House of Industry - DI




"For generations, Danish business has had good and close cooperation with the regent and the Royal House as a whole, which is why significant and visible markings of the change of throne on Sunday have been initiated.


- The good and close cooperation between the Royal Household and business is very important for our companies. We therefore naturally want to show our gratitude in a very visible way in connection with the change of throne. - At the same time, we look forward to a continued strong and value-creating collaboration with the new royal couple, says Deputy Adm. director Thomas Bustrup, DI."





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A great read on the DRF and Greenland

"The Queen was respected in Greenland, but the new king will be loved"
"Despite increasing criticism of Denmark, the royal family has secured a special place in Greenlandic hearts through their understanding of differences. On Sunday January 14th Queen Margrethe II of Denmark will leave the throne to her son, Frederik, who is even more popular in Greenland"
"Since the annoucement my Facebook has been flooded by people posting their own photos, standing arm in arm with Frederik. He really is a man of the people, and as the king, he will be loved in Greenland"

another article on the DRF and Greenland

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1 minute ago, mls said:

I find it seriously odd, that so many tweets just have to link today, Crown Princess Mary etc to members of the British Royal Family 🙄

They've been doing it since the announcement was made and they range one spectrum to the other. 

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