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State Visit - Day 1

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4 hours ago, Paulamary said:

His Majesty the King is among Her Royal Highness Princess Ingrid Alexandra's sponsors, and at Bygdø Kongsgård the two met in connection with the Norwegian Royal Couple's breakfast.




A closer look on the Ingrid 's rings.


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Videos of King Harald's speech:





Det danske kongeparets aller første statsbesøk her til lands – etter at Frederik overtok tronen – sammenfaller med deres egen bryllupsdag. 20 år har gått siden de to ga hverandre sitt ja. Dette kommenterte også kong Harald i talen til det danske kongeparet:

– Kjære Mary, du tok på deg en stor oppgave da du gikk hen og forelsket deg i denne sporty dansken, sa han til salens latter.

– Akkurat i dag har dere vært gift i 20 år, det fortjener vel en applaus, gjør det ikke det?
Kong Harald benyttet også talen til å komme med noen gode råd til den ferske kongen:

– Folkets støtte alene kan ikke bære en konge. Man trenger også å leve i kjærlighet med sine aller nærmeste. Familien er kanskje ditt aller viktigste støtteapparat. Det har i hvert fall jeg erfart.


The Danish royal couple's very first state visit to Denmark - after Frederik took over the throne - coincides with their own wedding anniversary. 20 years have passed since the two said yes to each other. King Harald also commented on this in his speech to the Danish royal couple:

- “Dear Mary, you took on a big task when you fell in love with this sporty Dane,” he said to laughter from the audience.

- “You've been married for 20 years today - that deserves a round of applause, doesn't it?
King Harald also used his speech to give some good advice to the new king:

- The support of the people alone cannot support a king. You also need to live in love with those closest to you. Your family is perhaps your most important support system. At least that's what I've experienced.


Translated with DeepL.com (free version)







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