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Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary's Foundation.

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Summary of note on Billedbladet.dk, requested by Alisa :hatoff:


The stamp depicted here was issued by Post Danmark (equivalent to Royal Mail in UK) in 2007 as a charity stamp. To the normal price of 4.75 DKK was added an addittional 0.50 DKK, which went to charity. In this case to the Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary Foundation, which purpose is to support various charities. In this case the surplus for the sale of the stamp during last year, a little more than two million DKK, was donated to Børnepsykiatri Fonden = The Foundation for Mentally Ill Children.

The stamp is based on a photograph from August 2006.

Links: http://www.psykiatrifonden.dk/ - http://www.psykiatrifonden.dk/Borneprojekt/Baggrund.html

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  • 3 years later...


Sammenlægning af kongelige fonde


Merging of three Royal Foundations:

"The three royal foundations of King Frederik and Queen Ingrid's Fund for humanitarian and cultural purposes, Crown Prince Frederik Fund and Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary's Foundation has decided to merge the three funds, with the latter as the surviving fund."

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  • 6 months later...

Is the "Mary Fonden", now also part of this group which was put together in April 2011?


The three royal foundations of King Frederik and Queen Ingrid's Fund for humanitarian and cultural purposes, Crown Prince Frederik Fund and Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary's Foundation has decided to merge the three funds, with the latter as the surviving fund.
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  • 2 years later...


Uddelinger fra Kronprins Frederiks og Kronprinsesse Marys Fond, marts 2016


Distributions from Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary Foundation - March 2016




"plastic Change
Research Expedition in the Pacific, focusing on documentation of the volume of plastic waste in the North Pacific"


"Copenhagen, April 21, 2016: Danish research expedition to the Pacific giant plastic soup is now secured with a very generous donation of 200,000 kr. From Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary's Foundation."

"Crown Prince Couple's support for Plastic Changes expedition and scientific work makes a big positive difference to the marine environment. The donation is a strong signal that there should be more focus on the problem of plastic in our precious sea. It is the year's best news in the work for a plastic-free ocean, "says Henrik Beha Pedersen, environmental biologist and founder of Plastic Change."

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  • 8 months later...



"At board meetings in 'Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik's Foundation' and 'Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary's Foundation',

it has been decided to support Denmark's Collection 2018 "Help Children Without a Home" with a total of 750,000 Dkk"



During the telethon, a video was shown from Mary's visit to Mali last year



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  • 9 months later...
10 hours ago, mls said:

"At board meetings of 'Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik's Foundation and in 'Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary's Foundation',

it has been decided to support Denmark's Collection 2019 with a total of DKK 750,000."

Mary and the minister in Kenya, which was shown during 'Denmark's Collection 2019' yesterday evening.



This year, the collection focuses on helping the world's vulnerable girls


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  • 11 months later...

Donation to the Red Cross




"Queen Margrethe's and Prince Henrik's Foundation as well as Crown Prince Frederik'and Crown Princess Mary's Foundation support the Red Cross's preparedness in connection

with the corona situation with a total of DKK 750,000.


The efforts of the Red Cross are particularly focused on supporting the National Board of Health's emergency preparedness with, among other things, an emergency set up of a Relief Network and an additional call center for the National Police coronary line, where the Red Cross volunteers daily receive inquiries from citizens and assist them further.

With the donation, the royal foundations want to support the preparedness that is currently working on high pressure in Denmark."

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  • 5 months later...




"The Crown Prince Frederik's and Crown Princess Mary's Foundation supports humanitarian, social, cultural, scientific, sporting, educational, non - profit and charitable causes.

The fund annually distributes financial support to a wide range of projects.


At a foundation board meeting in August 2020, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess together with the rest of the board decided to grant support for a total of 19 projects, including three related to COVID-19. With a total of DKK 700,000, the foundation has wanted to support Doctors without Borders global medical efforts against COVID-19, the Anxiety Association's work with children and young people's anxiety and worries - before and after corona and the Child Accident Foundation's project "Play heroes - the new everyday" (after COVID-19 )."

Læger uden Grænser (MSF)
Global medicinsk indsats mod COVID-19
300.000 kr.

Angstforeningens arbejde med børn og unges "Angst og bekymringer - før og efter corona"
300.000 kr.

Udsatte og sårbare børns ophold på Julemærkehjem
225.000 kr.

Lindhardt og Ringhof Forlag A/S
Jubilæumsbogen "100-året for Knud Rasmussens slæderejse"
200.000 kr.

SDU, inst. for Fysik, Kemi og Farmaci
Naturvidenskabeligt undervisningsprogram: "SAMSTEM - fra klasserum til operationsrum"
200.000 kr.

Grønlandsk Røde Kors
Grønlandske Røde Kors' arbejde med styrkelse af mental sundhed i Grønland
145.000 kr.

Designers' Nest
Designers' Nest prisshow og international udstilling
100.000 kr.

Restaurering af m/s Thorshavn
100.000 kr.

Nationalt Videnscenter for Demens, Rigshospitalet
Etablering af demensvenlig have ved Rigshospitalets Nordfløj
100.000 kr.

Projekt "Legeheltene - den nye hverdag" (efter COVID-19)
100.000 kr.

Bryd Tavsheden
Afholdelse af "Temadag om Vold med RejseBasen" på skoler i hele landet
100.000 kr.

Copenhagen Phil - hele Sjællands symfoniorkester
Symfoniorkestrets "60 minutes 2021" - 6 koncerter med rytmiske kunstnere
100.000 kr.

Det Kongelige Teater
Opsætning af den internationale hybridforestilling "PRIDE" under Copenhagen 2021
100.000 kr.

Aarhus International School
Etablering af udendørs aktivitets- og legeområder - One Campus
100.000 kr.

Åbning af nye matematik-lektiecaféer
100.000 kr.

Lindhardt og Ringhof Forlag A/S
Bogen "Kortlægningen af Grønland"
50.000 kr.

Den Almennyttige Forening Givisme
Opsætning af skulpturen "How Close We Are" ved Aarhus Universitets-hospitals børneafdeling
50.000 kr.

Bornholms Teater
Forestillingen ”FISK”
50.000 kr.

Afholdelse af jubilæumskoncert i  anledning af Aarhus Studentersangeres 90-års fødselsdag
34.000 kr.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...



"The Crown Prince Couple and the board of Crown Prince Frederik's and Crown Princess Mary's Foundation have decided to donate DKK 100,000 to the collection "Denmark saves land", which was broadcast on TV 2 on Sunday 23 May 2021. "Denmark saves land" is a collaboration between TV 2 and the Danish Nature Fund. The fundraiser ended with the live fundraising show. The funds raised go to The Danish Nature Fund, which converts all donations to more wild nature throughout Denmark. "



"It is the aim and purpose of the Fund to promote the protection of nature and water environment in Denmark.

The Fund works for this objective by implementing measures for the creation and development of natural biotopes as well as for the promotion of the habitats of the animal and plant world.It is also the aim of the Fund to improve the conditions and possibilities for nature experiences."

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  • 9 months later...

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