lotte Posted May 21, 2005 Report Share Posted May 21, 2005 Ingrid :@: has inspired a thread on Frederik's patronages. Frederik already has many well established patronages, but like Mary, his responsibilities are only likely to increase. We have a thread for Mary's patronages here but, as F&M's patronages are separate, we can post information and discussion about Frederik's here. Quote Ingrid's post: May 20 2005, 06:52 PM As we do not have a "Frederik's patronages" section I'll post the info here instead. Frederik has accepted to be patron of "INDEX:" The World Arena for Future Design and Innovation. Link to their website. Quote On 23 September 2005, the five INDEX: Awards, worth €100,000, will be presented within five categories: Body, Home, Work, Play and Community. Two different award ceremonies will be staged: An official ceremony broadcasted on TV for official guests and a exhibition openingset to take place simultaneously on five public squares in Copenhagen. I guess we may expect Frederik to participate in this event. Ingrid Thanks Ingrid ^thumbsup^ :@: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mayflower Posted May 21, 2005 Report Share Posted May 21, 2005 Thanks Lotte for starting this topic and Ingrid for the latest addition. HRH The Crown Prince is the patron of the following organisations: Aarhus University Male Choir Copenhagen International Furniture Fair Danish Deaf Association Danish Design Center Danish Railway Museum in Odense Odense International Film Festival Plant a Tree Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus Royal Awards for Sustainability Save the Children Fund SE - Cabinetmakers' Autumn Exhibition The Anders Lassen Foundation The Association of Fine Arts (Kunstforeningen GL STRAND) The Associations of the Guard Hussars The Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland The Danish Dyslexia Organisation The Danish National Committee of United World Colleges The Danish Pleasure Crafts Safety Board The Foreign Policy Society The Georg Jensen Prize The Greenlandic Society The National Federation of Hearing Impaired in Denmark Honorary memberships HRH The Crown Prince is the President of the Royal Danish Geographical Society. HRH The Crown Prince is a Patron for Danish Red Cross. HRH The Crown Prince is a member of: ISAF's (International Sailing Federation) Events Committee, Young Global Leaders. HRH The Crown Prince is an honorary member of a number of associations, societies and companies: Aabenraa Golf Club Association of Cavalry Officers Capital City Go-Cart Club Copenhagen Golf Club Danish Diving Sports Association Danish Mongolian Society Danish Naval Association Fredensborg Golf Club Graasten Riding Club of 2004 Gråsten Sailing Club, HM The King of Sweden's Hunt Odsherred Golf Club The Ancient Guild of Christian IV in Aalborg The Danish Jockey Club The Guards Association, Copenhagen The Hobie Cat Club of Danmark The International Tennis Club of Denmark The National Committee for the Restoration of the Liberty Monument The Royal Danish Yacht Club The Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania The Sailors’ Society of 1856 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
potter Posted May 21, 2005 Report Share Posted May 21, 2005 And like his wife (it was created the other way around ) on their official website Crown Prince Frederik has a section Patronages with links to special pages on each of them. Patronages for events occuring once, are notgiven a page though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
potter Posted May 21, 2005 Report Share Posted May 21, 2005 jema :@: PMed me a new patronage for Crown Prince Frederik: the biggest exhibition of danish photography ever 'Scandinavian Photography 2: Denmark” by Northern Light Gallery. World wide tour starts USA, Faulconer Gallery by Grinnell College, 1. july 2005 Danish press release view the catalogue 20. maj 2005 kl. 13:08 HKH Kronprins Frederik og Brian Mikkelsen støtter stor dansk fotokunstudstilling i USA HKH Kronprins Frederik er protektor og Kulturministeren bidrager til kataloget 21. maj 2005 Northern Light Gallery kan med stor glæde meddele, at Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprins Frederik har takket ja til at stå som protektor for fotokunstudstillingen 'Scandinavian Photography 2: Denmark”. Derudover har Kulturminister Brian Mikkelsen vist interesse for udstillingen og har indvilliget i at skrive forordet til kataloget. Udstillingen, som fremviser en bred vifte af dansk fotokunst, får stor gavn af denne officielle opmærksomhed. Dette understreger udstillingens kvalitet og indhold, og vil hjælpe med at skabe international bevågenhed. Udstillingen er den største danske fotokunstudstilling nogensinde og er planlagt som en verdensomspændende turné. Første udstillingssted bliver Faulconer Gallery ved Grinnell College, som åbner 1. juli 2005. Efterfølgende skal den fremvises flere steder i Nordamerika inden den tager videre. Udstillingssteder i New York, Californien og Canada har allerede vist interesse for udstillingen. Det er yderligere hensigten at fremvise den i Europa, De Baltiske lande, Asien og Australien. Northern Light Gallery promoverer udstillingen efter Grinnell College. Vi efterspørger i øjeblikket virksomhedssponsorer i Danmark som kunne tænke sig at tilknytte deres navn og image til dette projekt. Vi forventer en meget positiv reaktion til udstillingen som igen viser at Danmark, et lille land, også indenfor fotokunst præsterer på højt niveau. Dansk film, musik, sport og teknologi har allerede vist at de kan gøre sig gældende internationalt. Dansk fotokunst indeholder kvaliteter som museer og samlere eftertragter, men mangler bare det internationale kendskab som udstillingsturnéen vil give den. Dette kunne man se efter den successfulde kunstbegivenhed 'Super Danish” i Toronto sidste år, som vakte interesse for dansk kultur. Det har således skabt yderligere interesse efter at se mere. Kunststyrelsen, som organiserede 'Super Danish”, bakker ligeledes op om 'Scandinavian Photography 2: Denmark” med netværk og midler. Billedtekst: Den kreative fransk/danske "Mediakunstner" Colonel udstiller både billed- og videokunstværker. Colonel (Thierry Geoffroy), Sport Art: Introspection Autocritique, 1995. Cibarchrome, 60 X 80cm (colonel.jpg) Der er en officiel webportal der fremviser udstillingens værker på: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
onlylucky Posted May 22, 2005 Report Share Posted May 22, 2005 from ISWA Annual Congress 2006 Patron: His Royal Highness, Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark 1-5 October 2006 in Wonderful Copenhagen, Denmark Hosted by DAKOFA, ISWA National Member Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mayflower Posted November 18, 2005 Report Share Posted November 18, 2005 Can someone roughly summarize what this article is about? Udsendt af 20. maj 2005 kl. 13:08 HKH Kronprins Frederik og Brian Mikkelsen støtter stor dansk fotokunstudstilling i USA HKH Kronprins Frederik er protektor og Kulturministeren bidrager til kataloget Yderligere information Northern Light Gallery kan med stor glæde meddele, at Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprins Frederik har takket ja til at stå som protektor for fotokunstudstillingen 'Scandinavian Photography 2: Denmark”. Derudover har Kulturminister Brian Mikkelsen vist interesse for udstillingen og har indvilliget i at skrive forordet til kataloget. Udstillingen, som fremviser en bred vifte af dansk fotokunst, får stor gavn af denne officielle opmærksomhed. Dette understreger udstillingens kvalitet og indhold, og vil hjælpe med at skabe international bevågenhed. Udstillingen er den største danske fotokunstudstilling nogensinde og er planlagt som en verdensomspændende turné. Første udstillingssted bliver Faulconer Gallery ved Grinnell College, som åbner 1. juli 2005. Efterfølgende skal den fremvises flere steder i Nordamerika inden den tager videre. Udstillingssteder i New York, Californien og Canada har allerede vist interesse for udstillingen. Det er yderligere hensigten at fremvise den i Europa, De Baltiske lande, Asien og Australien. Northern Light Gallery promoverer udstillingen efter Grinnell College. Vi efterspørger i øjeblikket virksomhedssponsorer i Danmark som kunne tænke sig at tilknytte deres navn og image til dette projekt. Vi forventer en meget positiv reaktion til udstillingen som igen viser at Danmark, et lille land, også indenfor fotokunst præsterer på højt niveau. Dansk film, musik, sport og teknologi har allerede vist at de kan gøre sig gældende internationalt. Dansk fotokunst indeholder kvaliteter som museer og samlere eftertragter, men mangler bare det internationale kendskab som udstillingsturnéen vil give den. Dette kunne man se efter den successfulde kunstbegivenhed 'Super Danish” i Toronto sidste år, som vakte interesse for dansk kultur. Det har således skabt yderligere interesse efter at se mere. Kunststyrelsen, som organiserede 'Super Danish”, bakker ligeledes op om 'Scandinavian Photography 2: Denmark” med netværk og midler. Billedtekst: Den kreative fransk/danske "Mediakunstner" Colonel udstiller både billed- og videokunstværker. Colonel (Thierry Geoffroy), Sport Art: Introspection Autocritique, 1995. Cibarchrome, 60 X 80cm (colonel.jpg) Der er en officiel webportal der fremviser udstillingens værker på: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mayflower Posted November 18, 2005 Report Share Posted November 18, 2005 One more article -CP Frederik patron of the Galathea 3 Expedition. Galathea 3 bound for the seven seas HRH Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark is patron of the expedition The Galathea 3 Expedition - the most extensive Danish research expedition at sea for more than 50 years - will be setting sail in August 2006 to circumvent the Earth as a platform for Danish research projects. Through and the media, every Dane will be able to follow the expedition and look over the shoulders of the researchers on board the expedition vessel. Especially targeted are schoolchildren of all ages as well as university and college students, who may link up to the expedition on the Internet and make it part of their natural science studies. The Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation supports the Galathea 3 Expedition, which was officially launched in the spring of 2005 by HRH Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark, patron of the expedition. "It is my hope that everyone will support the Galathea 3 and online expedition," Crown Prince Frederik told the press. Hundreds of scientists have already applied for participation in the expedition, though the final selection of scientific projects will not take place until the end of 2005. The majority of the applicants have submitted sea-based projects and any land-based project will be related to the sea expedition. For instance, it is expected that Galathea 3 will put in at the Nicobar Islands, a former Danish colony, in order to study the effects of the 2004 tsunami. Helge Sander, Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation, takes an optimistic view on the venture. "I believe that we will make at least one groundbreaking discovery," he said, seconding Crown Prince Frederik together with Bertel Haarder, Minister for Education, when the expedition was formally launched in the spring of 2005. The minister for education is particularly excited about the possibilities of relaying news of the expedition on a continuous basis via a direct satellite link from the vessel and via the Internet. He recalls how, as a young boy, he watched the movie about the Galathea 2 Expedition, "Jorden rundt på 80 minutter" ("Around the world in 80 Minutes"), based on small-gauge films. Today, everyone can follow the expedition in real time. "It's a chance of enabling lots of schoolchildren and students to gain concrete insight into a research project," Bertel Haarder said. The expedition is deeply rooted in history. King Christian VIII commissioned the first Galathea Expedition in 1845, and 1950 saw the better known Galathea 2 Expedition. Both expeditions were circumnavigations of the globe, yielding remarkable scientific results. Galathea 3 will follow up on research carried out during the two first expeditions and visit places where they anchored - including several former Danish tropical colonies. Galathea 3 has been in the pipeline for more than five years. Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten, Denmark's largest daily newspaper, conceived the project. The Danish Expedition Foundation will plan, finance and support the expedition. Funds will come from several sources, for instance other foundations, private sector companies, commercial activities and the government. Patron HRH Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark is patron of the expedition. In Danish and there is a video link to his speech (Maybe Jema can help to edit it. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
santa Posted December 18, 2006 Report Share Posted December 18, 2006 According to Copenhagen Post today 18 dec 2006, Crown Prince Frederik will be sponsor for the voyage of a newly build vikingship from Roskilde to Dublin in july 2006. The ship ois expected back to Denmark in 2008. (..) An exact reconstruction of a Viking ship from the 11th century will be launched in 2007 on a historic journey from Roskilde to Dublin and back.Ship owner Carsten Brebøl's non-profit foundation has donated DKK 2 million to the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde to support the project. The new ship has been dubbed The Sea Stallion. The original ship, Skulderlev 2, was built in Dublin in 1042 and found at the bottom of Roskilde Fiord in 1962. Since then the ship has been on display at the Viking Ship Museum. (..) Vikings to invade Ireland The ship is built to hold a crew up to 100 men. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
linda81 Posted December 18, 2006 Report Share Posted December 18, 2006 That ship and its voyage sound fascinating. Just what does it mean when CP Frederick is to "sponsor" the ship on its way to Dublin? Will he sail with the crew or what? Thanks in advance. Linda 81 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bonsai Posted March 12, 2007 Report Share Posted March 12, 2007 ″Gang i Danmark″ i 2007 Wed, 03 Jan 2007 Under overskriften ”Gang i Danmark” indledes en bred, landsdækkende kampagne, som i hele 2007 skal inspirere kommuner, foreninger og arbejdspladser – hver for sig og i nye partnerskaber - til at finde nye veje til, hvordan vi alle kan røre os mere i det daglige. ”Gang i Danmark” finansieres i samarbejde mellem Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriet og Trygfonden. Hans Kongelige Højhed Kronprins Frederik er protektor for ″Gang i Danmark″. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Librian Posted April 20, 2007 Report Share Posted April 20, 2007 The Nurse at my doctors office are going on that trip :bo: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sissi Posted April 22, 2007 Report Share Posted April 22, 2007 This trip sounds absolutely amazing ( across the Atlantic in an open boat!) and the ship is beautiful, I would love to see it under full sail. The participants sure must have a really strong sense of adventure! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mayflower Posted May 3, 2007 Report Share Posted May 3, 2007 The Sea Stallions sail has been rinsed20.04.07 Two weeks ago the Sea Stallions sail coloured with red and yellow stripes. On Sunday it was time to rinse the 122 square metres of flags. The sail is lifted carefully into the museum harbour. Photo: Susanne Malmstrøm Who do a sail the size of house get washed? When there is no washing machine big enough the solution simple – it’s washed and rinsed in the museum harbour at the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde. Two weeks ago the sail was coloured in red and yellow vertical stripes. The colours were a mix of ochre and salted water. The salt is the binding materiale which secures the colours on the flags fabric. On Sunday, after the Sea Stallion was launched, it was time to rinse off the extra colour. Ochre is an earthly colour and is not damaging to the water. Boat builder Vibeke Bischoff had therefore decided to rinse the sail in the museum harbour – a technique she learned from colleagues in Venice, Italy. The Blue elephant and manual power By rigging the sail on to the yard and then lifting it by using the crane on the museum tractor – an old Ford called 'The Blue Elephant' the rinse was possible. The sail was then lowered into the water and two teams of crew members pulled the sail back and forth in the middle of the harbour. Even after a lot of to-ing the colours still coming off the sopping wet sail. But the crew members – especially the ones placed in the mid ship just under the sail – hopes that it’s a question of time before the sail will be able to hold the colours. Earthly colours tend to be dusty and hopefully some off the extra colour will therefore blow off when the sail is lifted raised and lowered again. By: Henrik Kastoft[tt_news]=236&tx_ttnews[backPid]=550&cHash=699b175eb2 First Aid for the entire crew18.04.07 Safety is a top priority when the Sea Stallion this summer is going on the historical sail from Roskilde to Dublin and all the crew members on board needs to be acquainted with first aid Not every accident and injury is catastrophic. But wounds, small cuts, blisters and tender muscles are difficult to avoid. Photo: Werner Karrasch The last two weekends were the crew has been gathered to work on the Sea Stallion the nurse, Susanne Malmstrøm has also been teaching first aid. ”There is a huge risk of accidents on board the Sea Stallion. Space is tight, there are a lot of people and the gear on board is extremely heavy,” says Susanne Malmstrøm. She is hoping for a safe journey without any major accidents, but the experience from last years test sail to Norway showed that it is impossible to avoid injuries. The crew members will inevitable get cuts and bruises when the ship is sailing. The fear of blood clots The ship is fully equipped with modern medicine boxes like those seen on ship is the mercantile marine and the equipment makes it possible to handle a great number of accidents on board the Sea Stallion without accidence. ”I’m not nervous about broken arms or legs – that’s easily taken care of because of our well-equipped medicine boxes. But the ship will also have 24 hour radio contact to a doctor specialized in emergency medicine from a helicopter and he will be on stand by during the entire sail. And the Sea Stallion can get in contact with the international Radio Medical, where doctors by radio offers help and advise for treatment of any disease possible,” says Susanne Malmstrøm. The nurse is more worried about serious cases, like a crew members suffering a blood clot on open sea for example. ”Just the thought of that gives me sleepless nights! It is a situation I would like to avoid – we know what to do, the problem is that help is far away. If we are lying in the middle of the North See, it will take a least two hours before at helicopter will reach us. And if the weather is rough evacuation of a patient will be extremely difficult, not to say even impossible”. The mast is blocking the way For the people flying the helicopter the biggest challenge on board the Sea Stallion is the of 13 metres and the rig – meaning the rope on the ship. Therefore, taking down the mast has been part of the safety training last year. Now the crew knows the routine and can take it down in only eight minutes. Besides the cuts and bruises crew members get from working on board the Sea Stallion another challenge for the health is hypothermia. The weather can be tuff on open sea, even during summer and especially in an open ship. Last year people brought cloves and winter hats to use on the cold night watches, even though a heat wave had taken over the southern parts of Scandinavia. The danger of hypothermia is that it can lead to mental disturbance causing grave mistakes during sailing. Looking out for each other ”One thing is the physical first aid – in my teaching I have also accentuated the importance of mental first aid. It’s extremely important that we look out for each other and take care of each other – especially does who are sick and need rest or sleep”. A so-called ’Buddy system’ were to crew members are looking out for each other and ensures each others well- being has been introduced on board the Sea Stallion. In a crew of sixty five it is unfortunately easy to miss someone and that why the system has been introduced. The system is equally important if the crew is going to be evacuated in case of shipwreck. Every crew member must make sure their buddy is with them when they leave the ship. By: Henrik Kastoft[tt_news]=237&tx_ttnews[backPid]=550&cHash=d65ae280ee The Sea Stallion is a media-star 24.04.07 Still two full months to departure of the historic journey to Dublin, but the media, domestic and international, is warming up already. Media from major parts of Europe has shown interest in the story. Photo: stock.exchg When the Sea Stallion was launched last week TV2 News reported live from the happening. Later, in the evening, the viewers could watch the ship return to the fjord on the Danish Broadcasting Company’s ‘TV-Avisen’ and on the ‘TV2 Nyhederne’. One day earlier the newspaper ‘Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten’ printed a large scale piece in the culture section. And lately the local papers in Roskilde have spent column after column writing about the floating pride of the town and the biggest project of experimental archaeology ever. But the enthusiasm of the media is not confined to Denmark. News in Slovenia Certainly it is not every day Denmark is able to deliver news that go around the world. And when it happens, recently it has been connected to things like 12 cartoons in a newspaper or the demolishing of a youth house. But the Sea Stallion is a clean hit. These last few weeks the story about the launch of the Sea Stallion and the upcoming voyage to Dublin has been published in the media in places as far apart as the Faeroe Islands, Poland, Sweden, Austria and Slovenia – to mention but five. International crowd bound for Roskilde And when the Viking Ship Museum on Sunday May 6th opens the doors to an international press conference, where project ‘Full-blood at sea’ – the overhead of the test voyage to Dublin – reporters from all over the world will be crowding the museum. Already 15 members of the media from Europe and North America have signed up, and each new day adds to the list. “Of course we knew that the Sea Stallion is a good story. When the ship was launched back in 2004, we had 52 million TV-viewers from around the world, so we have had to deal with massive international media attention before at the Viking Ship Museum. We have however been blown away by the huge interest in the voyage of the Sea Stallion to Ireland. I dare not think of, how intense it may get, when the project starts on July 1st,” says project leader, Preben Rather Sørensen. To fully packed escorts “At the press conference on the 6th of May we will sail a quick trip into the fjord in honour of the press. Space on the Sea Stallion is scarce though, at the most we can bring 20 reporters. But we plan to have two escort ships on the fjord – and we are pretty confident, they will be packed to the rim,” Preben Rather Sørensen states. The Viking Ship Museum expects roughly 40 Danish and international media to be present at the press conference on May 6th. One of the media will be the renowned historic magazine ‘The Smithsonian’, sending a journalist from Washington DC in the USA. Shortly the Viking Ship Museum will be presenting the home page that makes it possible for the entire world via the Internet to follow the voyage in detail, night and day. Just about everything happening in and around the ship will be described and interesting Viking-localities along the route will be explained. By: Henrik Kastoft[tt_news]=242&tx_ttnews[backPid]=288&cHash=04e83d69b7 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mayflower Posted May 24, 2007 Report Share Posted May 24, 2007 Thanks santa for the info. Looking forward to the events. I wonder we get to see the Fred and Mary in Ireland in August. BTW 1st July is Lilleprinsesse's christening so the departure of the Sea Stallion from Roskilde , Denmark is 2nd July if I am not mistaken. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Runa Posted May 24, 2007 Report Share Posted May 24, 2007 The info on the departure of Havhingsten / the Sea Stallion and the date for departure doesn't seem quite clear to me. :rub: The viking ship expedition seems to start either on "the 1th at the afternoon, the Sea Stallion will departure from the harbour at the museum" or "July 2nd 2007 the Sea Stallion from Glendalough will start its voyage from Roskilde in Denmark to Dublin". Both qoutes from: Hmmm??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jema Posted July 10, 2007 Report Share Posted July 10, 2007 På vikingeskibet Havhingstens tur mod Irland var der ekstra hviledag i dag 05.jul 2007 Det norske kongepar havde indbudt det danske regentpar til indvielse af en gammel vikingekanal i sydnorge, og her var Havhingsten selvfølgelig med.(...) video clip (1:40) low / medium / high Nu skal vi til søs i selskab med hendes majestæt Dronnuing Margrethe og prins Henrik 05.jul 2007 Her reportage fra vores udsendte vikingeskibs-matros.(...) video clip (1:30) low / medium / high The website for the Sea Stallion on The Sea - Stallion, which raced to Norway on a good sourthern wind, is still laying low at the south coast of Norway, while waiting for better wind. At the moment the wind is blowing hard from the west, which stops any possibility of sailing, and it's waiting for wind from the south or the east, then the ship will travel north towards the Orkneys and Shetlands sailing north of Britain. see the latest news in english about the Sea Stallion: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cph Posted July 26, 2007 Report Share Posted July 26, 2007 Sport in a Global World - Past Present FutureCongress Organized by Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, University of Copenhagen. Tuesday, July 31 2007 - Sonday, August 5 2007 University of Copenhagen, Main Building, Frue Plads, DK-1168 Copenhagen K. HRH The Crown Prince is patron of the congress. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
pogo99 Posted October 27, 2007 Report Share Posted October 27, 2007 HRH Crown Prince Frederik will take over the patronage of the Blood Donors from his Father HRH Prince Henrik, who took over from Frederik's Grandmother Queen Ingrid, at her death in 2001. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Riki Posted November 8, 2007 Report Share Posted November 8, 2007 Another new patronage for Frederik The Naval-Lieutenant-Society Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gattica28 Posted November 25, 2007 Report Share Posted November 25, 2007 Another new patronage for CP Frederik is the Dansk Militært Idrætsforbund. The link has not been created yet on his official home page Can anyone explain about this organization? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Muhler Posted November 25, 2007 Report Share Posted November 25, 2007 Another new patronage for CP Frederik is the Dansk Militært Idrætsforbund. The link has not been created yet on his official home page Can anyone explain about this organization? Yes, here is the link to the organisation. Dansk Militært Idrætsforbund - Danish Military Sports Association is the umbrella organisation for the various sports clubs and teams in the armed forces. Its purpose is to aid and promote sports activities witin the military, including the Home Guard. Dansk Militært Idrætsforbund itself belongs to Dansk Idrætsforbund - Danish Sports Association, which is the national sports association, under which most athletics clubs worth mentioning belongs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gattica28 Posted November 25, 2007 Report Share Posted November 25, 2007 Thanks Muhler! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mayflower Posted January 14, 2008 Report Share Posted January 14, 2008 Crown Prince Frederik agreed to become Patron of the 2008 Volvo Youth Sailing ISAF World Championship to be held from 10-19 July out of the Aarhus Yachting Harbour and the Bay of Aarhus, on the Jutland peninsula of Denmark. Young Sailing Stars Look To Denmark In 2008As the new year begins, the future stars of the sailing world are aiming towards Aarhus in Denmark and the Volvo Youth Sailing ISAF World Championship this July. The 38th edition of the event, which is expected to attract over 250 young sailors from more than 60 nations, heads to Denmark for the first time and the championship already has a Royal seal of approval. ................... .................. Seven titles are up for grabs in the following events: Boy’s One Person Dinghy – Laser Girl’s One Person Dinghy – Laser Radial Boy’s Two Person Dinghy – 29er Girl’s Two Person Dinghy – 29er Boy’s Windsurfer – Neil Pryde RS:X with 8.5m2 sail & 60cm fin Girl’s Windsurfer – Neil Pryde RS:X with 8.5m2 sail & 60cm fin Open Multihull – SL 16 Full article Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jema Posted June 3, 2008 Report Share Posted June 3, 2008 From Kronprins Frederik protektor for Bike City CopenhagenDanmarks Cykle Union (DCU) meddeler mandag, at H.K.H. Kronprins Frederik har sagt ja til at være protektor for Bike City Copenhagen i 2008-2011. Bike City Copenhagen indebærer blandt andet at Danmark og København bliver vært for følgende store cykel-arrangementer: (...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gattica28 Posted July 1, 2008 Report Share Posted July 1, 2008 It appears that CP Frederik has taken over another patronage from Prince Henrik from July 1st. Måske prins Henrik mener, at sønnike efter sin 40 års fødselsdag er trådt ind i de voksnes rækker. I hvert fald har han nu overdraget hvervet som Danmarks Marineforenings æresformand til kronprinsen.Siden 1976 har prinsgemalen varetaget hvervet som æresformand for de godt 10.000 medlemmer af Danmarks Marineforening, hvoraf langt størstedelen har gjort eller gør tjeneste under Orlogsflaget, skriver ritzau. Den 1. juli 2008 overtages posten af kronprins Frederik, der allerede i 1996 blev udnævnt til æresmedlem af foreningen. Marineforeningen, der blev stiftet den 30. april 1913, har siden starten haft kongehusets bevågenhed. I 1914 blev prins Valdemar foreningens første æresformand. Ved sin død i 1939 blev han afløst af kronprinsens morfar, daværende kronprins Frederik, den senere kong Frederik IX, der var foreningens æresformand til sin død den 14. januar 1972. Arveprins Knud varetog formandshvervet fra 1975 til sin død den 14. juni 1976. Can someone give a brief translation. Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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