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Crown Prince Frederik's patronages


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It appears that CP Frederik has taken over another patronage from Prince Henrik from July 1st.


Måske prins Henrik mener, at sønnike efter sin 40 års fødselsdag er trådt ind i de voksnes rækker. I hvert fald har han nu overdraget hvervet som Danmarks Marineforenings æresformand til kronprinsen.

Siden 1976 har prinsgemalen varetaget hvervet som æresformand for de godt 10.000 medlemmer af Danmarks Marineforening, hvoraf langt størstedelen har gjort eller gør tjeneste under Orlogsflaget, skriver ritzau.

Den 1. juli 2008 overtages posten af kronprins Frederik, der allerede i 1996 blev udnævnt til æresmedlem af foreningen.

Marineforeningen, der blev stiftet den 30. april 1913, har siden starten haft kongehusets bevågenhed. I 1914 blev prins Valdemar foreningens første æresformand. Ved sin død i 1939 blev han afløst af kronprinsens morfar, daværende kronprins Frederik, den senere kong Frederik IX, der var foreningens æresformand til sin død den 14. januar 1972.

Arveprins Knud varetog formandshvervet fra 1975 til sin død den 14. juni 1976.

Maybe Prince Henrik thinks his son can sit at the adult's table after his 40th birthday. In any case, he he has now entrusted the job as the Danish Marine Society's honorary president to the Crown Prince.

Since 1976 the Prince Consort has handled the job as honorary president of the Danish Marine Society's roughly 10,000 members, of which by far the majority have done or currently do service under the Naval flag, Ritzau reports.

On July 1st 2008 the duty is taken over by Crown Prince Frederik, who in 1996 was appointed as honorary member of the society.

The naval society, which was founded on April 30th, 1913, has been in the good graces of the royal house since its inception. In 1914 Prince Valdemar became the society's first honorary chairman. Following his death in 1939 he was replaced by the Crown Prince's maternal grandfather, then Crown Prince Frederik, and later King Frederik IX, who was the society's honorary president until his death on January 14th, 1972.

Prince Knud handled the presidency from 1975 to his death on June 14th, 1976.

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  • 3 months later...

I thought we have a Patronages thread, but can't find it, so post this press release here:


CP Frederik is the patron of Soldaterlegatet.dk

Thanks Cph.

The purpose of Soldaterlegatet (soldier bursary) is to hand out grants to soldiers and relatives of soldiers who have been killed.

Civillians, like nurses, doctors and other relief workers on international missions are also included. (Civillians like truck drivers working for relief organisations in former Jugoslavia were very much at risk there, several being killed or wounded).

The amounts will typically be 50.000-200.000 DKK.

Since the beginning of the wars in ex-Jugoslavia in the early 1990's more than 40.000 Danish soldiers have been on international missions, many several times. More than 40 have so far died and about 100 have been seriously wounded. That means more or less invalided.

Supporting this are a number of companies and veteran organisations.

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 years later...
State of Green Secretariat

The State of Green Secretariat is operated by Climate Consortium Denmark, a public-private partnership founded by the following organisations: The Branding Denmark Fund, the Confederation of Danish Industry, the Danish Energy Association, the Danish Agriculture & Food Council and the Danish Wind Industry Association. H.R.H. Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark is patron of Climate Consortium Denmark.

About State of Green

I thought this should be added here. I wonder why this is not on the official list at kongehuset.dk.

Frederik has attended lots of events arranged by the Climate Consortium.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Not a patronage, really, but:

Crown Prince Frederik is no longer committee member of the International Sailing Federation ISAF.

He has been a member of ISAF's event committee for eight years, but gave up his position in international sailing at the annual meeting in November.

Reported by minbaad.dk.

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  • 6 months later...


CPF patron of Volleyball European Championships - 2013

20-29th September in Denmark and Poland.

CPF, as patron for Volleyball European Championships 2013,

"visited the Danish national team's training and heard more about their preparations for the European Championships"

with photos. No mentioning of the date of the visit.





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  • 2 years later...
  • 7 months later...

New patronage for CP Frederik - DenmarkBridge


H.K.H. Kronprinsen bliver protektor for DenmarkBridge

"The Crown Prince has agreed to be patron of the new association DenmarkBridge, which aims to ensure Danish companies and entrepreneurs better access to knowledge, networking and capital in Silicon Valley, USA.

Silicon Valley in California, USA, is described as an epicenter for the development of new technologies and growth-oriented business models. The association DenmarkBridge will therefore strengthen the bridge between the Danish business and development in Silicon Valley, so that Denmark can help to shape this development, especially on IT.

The association offers membership to all Danish companies and organizations. The association is established by

AP Moller - Maersk, the Danish Bank, DI, LEGO and Growth Fund in collaboration with the Ministry of Business and Growth, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.

DenmarkBridge will bring together a number of Danish companies interested in the technology development and the opportunities it offers for companies' business development and growth. Specifically, DenmarkBridge phases out certain types of activities on both sides of the Atlantic, which allows members to rethink business models, along thinking value chains and take advantage of business critical technology with like-minded people on the other side of the Atlantic."

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  • 4 months later...

Crown Prince Frederik has agreed to be patron of '2018 ISAF World Championships' in Aarhus, Denmark





"It will be a World Championship of records when the Bay of Aarhus, forms the backdrop for the 2018

Sailing World Championships for all Olympic boat classes. In terms of both the number of sailors and the number

of participating countries, this will be an event that will surpass the sailing competition at the Olympic Games."


Huge event for Aarhus and Denmark: 100 nations and 1600 sailors participating.

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  • 3 weeks later...



September 29, 2016  Press Release

HRH The Crown Prince is patron of Trap Denmark

HRH The Crown Prince has agreed to be patron of the Trap Denmark, the world's most comprehensive description of a nation.
The first edition of the Statistical-topographic description of the Kingdom of Denmark, also known as Trap: Denmark, was authored by Cabinet Secretary Jens Peter Trap and was published 1858-60. The work has since been the principal work of Danish topographic description.

The 6th edition published 2015-20, both as a set of books and in digital form, and is overall a comprehensive universe of vivid stories, interdisciplinary descriptions and lexical information about Denmark. Here can be found the essential knowledge of geology, geography, biology, archaeology, history, culture, art, architecture, and on society and business. Bogværket has published the edition in 34 illustrated volumes which describes Denmark's 98 municipalities and the nation as a whole. With the digital version Trap Denmark will launch free digital services with searchable information about Denmark, which is available to everyone. Furthermore, a mobile offering will be launched, that provides access to information about places on smartphones and tablets.

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  • 3 months later...

Former long-time president of the Danish Tennis Association had a meeting with CPF, patron of the Danish Tennis Federation at Amalienborg.



"Leaving Amalienborg Palace after a meeting with HRH and his secretary. What a great memory from a beautiful sunny day."



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  • 2 weeks later...

Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Japan-Denmark diplomatic relations in 2017



"Commemorating the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Denmark in 2017, both countries will organize a variety of events to celebrate the year as the “150th Anniversary of the Japan-Denmark Diplomatic Relations”. Given the importance of the relationship between the two countries and the significance of these memorial events, His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of Japan will assume the honorary president on the Japanese side for this Anniversary. The presidency will be from the 1st of January 2017 to the 31st of December 2017. On the Danish side, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Frederik of the Kingdom of Denmark will assume the honorary presidency."

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 29.9.2016 at 4:13 PM, gudinde said:



September 29, 2016  Press Release

HRH The Crown Prince is patron of Trap Denmark

HRH The Crown Prince has agreed to be patron of the Trap Denmark, the world's most comprehensive description of a nation.

The first edition of the Statistical-topographic description of the Kingdom of Denmark, also known as Trap: Denmark, was authored by Cabinet Secretary Jens Peter Trap and was published 1858-60. The work has since been the principal work of Danish topographic description.

The 6th edition published 2015-20, both as a set of books and in digital form, and is overall a comprehensive universe of vivid stories, interdisciplinary descriptions and lexical information about Denmark. Here can be found the essential knowledge of geology, geography, biology, archaeology, history, culture, art, architecture, and on society and business. Bogværket has published the edition in 34 illustrated volumes which describes Denmark's 98 municipalities and the nation as a whole. With the digital version Trap Denmark will launch free digital services with searchable information about Denmark, which is available to everyone. Furthermore, a mobile offering will be launched, that provides access to information about places on smartphones and tablets.



Photo: Bijan Taheri

At the Royal Danish Geographical Society conference on December 14 patron HRH The Crown Prince received a specially bound edition of
Trap Denmark's first text volumes.

The photo shows the Crown Prince with Trap Denmark chairman Joachim Malling, whopresents the first volume included in the books.
It will in total be 34 volumes, which will in the future be part of the Crown Prince's private library.
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 24.2.2017 at 1:29 PM, mls said:

Billed Bladet:



"It is expected that Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary during the year will participate in several events related to tourism promotion event.


Tourism year consists of a series of events and initiatives in both China and Denmark, and its aim is to increase the number of tourists traveling to Denmark and

China. It is also expected that tourism year will affect countries' cooperation on culture and export."

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  • 2 months later...
On 17.1.2017 at 6:54 PM, mls said:

Celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Japan-Denmark diplomatic relations in 2017



"Commemorating the 150th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Denmark in 2017, both countries will organize a variety of events to celebrate the year as the “150th Anniversary of the Japan-Denmark Diplomatic Relations”. Given the importance of the relationship between the two countries and the significance of these memorial events, His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of Japan will assume the honorary president on the Japanese side for this Anniversary. The presidency will be from the 1st of January 2017 to the 31st of December 2017. On the Danish side, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince Frederik of the Kingdom of Denmark will assume the honorary presidency."




"On the occasion of the planned visit by TRH the Crown Prince Couple of Denmark to Japan, celebrating the 150 years anniversary of Japanese

and Danish diplomatic ties"

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